Sunday, February 15, 2009

Corgi vs Remote Control Car

Some day ago, mummy brought this weird creature, it's weird, coz it moves back & forth on its own..

See, I am not afraid...I AM NOT AFRAID!!!


Barn2 (Barnabas Ju-Ern) the Samsengkia said...

My Mummy says: I see your hubby's having fun with Ode. Ha. Must say Ode's lookin good and his bark is deep and masculine.

Ode said...

Ha, you are wrong already, my mum was the one who was controlling the remote & shooting the video with a camera at the same time. My dad didn't want to play this car with me, he even stopped my mum coz I sounded noisy.

Yes, you are right that my bark is macho, so is my you don't PLAY PLAY huh..Gggrrr!!!