Sunday, July 26, 2009

Outing at Bishan Park & the Dog Run

Mummy: Brought Ode to the Bishan Park this morning as weather was good. Along the way, we met a corgi, then we entered the Dog Run, we met another corgi.

As always, Ode was very engrossed in marking his territory that he couldn't be bothered about other doggies there. After all the markings, he then started to mingle & sniff other doggie's butts.
We came to this place to rest after the fun time in the dog run, it was shady & windy. Ode had a good time admiring the scenery.

Hey, there's one little white westie there!

Come over here! Woof!

HAY! HAY! WOOF!...U hear me? Come over, it's shady and windy here!

Ok, let me walk a bit closer to u...COOMMEE OOOVVEERR...WOOOFFFF!

Argh! Now I know why you not coming over after all my effort..blame on yr stupid 2-legged creature! I'm so tired & thirsty now!

Never mind, I will call out to another doggie. May be I should howl, as only ALPHA MALE howls!!!

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